Seed Research

Dunn Grain Company is excited to announce the formation of our new research partner, Dunn Plant Genetics. Based in Yuma, Arizona, Dunn Plant Genetics was formed in 2017 after the acquisition of the durum wheat research program from World Wide Wheat, LLC.

Dunn Plant Genetics is committed to producing the highest quality, highest yielding varieties of identity preserved durum wheat with adaptability around the globe.  Our germplasm originated right here in the desert Southwest, and carries with it the superb qualities that have given desert durum such an exceptional reputation. The mission of Dunn Plant Genetics is to develop the best varieties of durum wheat available, giving both growers and customers alike access to the highest quality genetics in the world.

Our durum program has been developed using a global shuttle breeding technique. By establishing nurseries in countries around the globe, we have been able to successfully incorporated valuable characteristics from durum varieties throughout the world. This lengthy and expensive process is what gives our durum collection unrivaled variability and adaptability for our growers, no matter what conditions they are facing. We go to such great lengths for our growers because we are growers; after all, our varieties are developed by farmers, for farmers.